
Cory morrow

Whiskey and pride

Cory Morrow didn’t become a Texas legend by being quiet. He sings about strippers and Jesus with equal fervor. While this dichotomy may leave those on either side of the moral equator perplexed – the answer is actually very simple. Cory Morrow is beautifully and uncomfortably transparent. From the beer soaked, cocaine laden days of his early career, to today’s more sober and spiritual leg of the journey, one thing about Morrow has never changed – as goes Cory’s life, goes Cory’s songs – and that’s never been more evident than on his newest studio release “Whiskey & Pride”.


Kyle Hutton

Longest Days, Shortest Years

“Longest Days, Shortest Years” is the 5th full-length studio release from singer/songwriter Kyle Hutton. The 15 song project offers a ride back to a time when you listened to a record from beginning to end, and deliberately bucks the trend of experiencing an artist through a single, or an EP. “Longest Days, Shortest Years” delivers 57 minutes of the best yet from Hutton’s pen and guitar.


About Us

Conveyor is the artist and brand management division of The River Bend Fine Art Company – an organization with deep roots in the entertainment and content development and distribution arenas. Conveyor, thru the management of brands including Real Life Real Music and Real Content Solutions, houses over a decade of experience in the creation and growth of companies with a focus in musical, graphical or visual arts. Our artist management roster is made up of singer/songwriters making a difference thru their music: Cory Morrow, Kyle Hutton, and Market Junction. Conveyor also facilitates hundreds of events yearly including the Real Life Real Music live at Dosey Doe series and the syndicated Real Life Real Music radio program. Conveyor also provides contract management support to recognized leaders in the entertainment industry including Dickson Productions. Now in it’s 6th year, the content creation and management relationship with MusicFest is expanding from the Deep Eddy Media Suite to include The MusicFest Twilight Lounge, the newest stage addition to MusicFest.

Conveyor is based just outside The Woodlands, TX. Our company goal is to live up to the definition of our name:

– a person or thing that transports or communicates something.